Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Week Eight, Clubbell Hero Evolution. Training For a 25K Trail race?

Redefining your Goals.

 I sent the email to change my race registration. I'm no longer able to get in enough miles to run 50k. I had it changed it to 25k, still a really big challenge.
 Last weekend I set out for a run and only got 1k before the pain in my knee made me stop.

Last Sunday I took advantage of one of the few nice spring days, with the Vibrams strapped on I drove to a nice local park here in our City. http://www.city.sarnia.on.ca/pdf/canatarabro.pdf trail number 8 on the link above.
Its a really cool 1k loop trail lined with wood chips nicely treed. Other than all the fallen Ash trees. I figured I would run in the Fivefingers because they because they naturally force you to use shorter strides and strike with the forefoot. But I was only able to complete one lap so I spent the rest of the time walking some of the trails before even walking hurt.
So last week till now it was more mobility flow drills foam rolling and therapy. But this time were taking no prisoners. SHOCK THERAPY!
I've had Acupuncture before but never 4 needles in the hip and 4 more down the side of leg. Kinda well a lot painful. I wasn't looking forward to the second round but got though it.
Today was test day, went back back and was able to put in 5k pain free, so I will put in more runs this week and see what happens. I skipped the leg workouts last week to try to fully recover but I will go light this week. Next cycle is up next, Peak Cycle, I'll miss the first week of it. I have to travel for work for a week so I think I will do some body weight training and bring my running shoes. I'll be in Down town Calgary and it looks like there are some great places to run. Oh and body weight? Evolution Kettlebell by John Wolf.
Its part of a really awesome prep program for the Kettlebell Evolution Groundwork program. Again a combination of Mobility and Strength.
Sorry I'm not sure I'll get a blog completed next week but check for updates on my Facebook page Wreck Centre Fitness, I will upload pictures from the trip and progress.

Thanks for checking in and again comments are always welcome!!

Scott Burden.


Thursday, 18 April 2013

Week Seven: Clubbell Hero Evolution Training


When the Train gets Derailed!


Last Sunday the weather was really nice, it was Sunny for once and warm. Its been cold and really wet here in SW Ontario. So I was gearing up for my 35k run.
Water bottles filled, two with water and two filled with nuun water, a sugar free electrolyte drink. Dry tabs you just drop into your water.

Also along for the run I loaded up with Dates dried Apricots and grapes.
I set off, music going and the Garmin going ticking off the first 10 minutes and watching the Heart rate. On there long runs its really important that you keep your HR low, for me its between 140 150 range.. Running 10/1 helps with that.
One of my favourite places to run is a nature trail that runs through our city to another town, from my place I have to run 17k then turn around.
As the kilometres tick away and as I get closer to my turn around point things began to happen....
Cue suspenseful music,,, my left IT band started to tighten up. Once I got to the turn and now heading back it wasn't long before I had to stop and try to stretch it out, the problem with this is that the pain starts on the outside quad, that I can deal with but then it starts shooting pain to the outside knee.
For the next few K I ran walked stretched hoping to get through the run.
But at just before the 25 k mark I had to doing something I've never had to do,, make the call....
I had to call my Wife and submit. :(
I wasn't sure what hurt more, the physical or the mental.
 The link below explains what its about, last weekend I did run along 3 country roads that were sloped and it did start to get sore by the end of 32k but using the program in Clubbell Evolution Flow routines and cool down follow alongs it was good by mid week.

After see my Sports therapist at In Motion he also pointed out that the TFL can be a major factor it this issue.

So for the rest of this week its foam rolling and back to Mobility and the cool down and flow videos from the Clubbell Hero Evolution program, thats the genius part. In this program and all the others Shane Hines puts out is that not only do you have all the tools you need to excel but also its not designed to just pound you to the ground and call it a workout.
I have full confidence I will be back up and running but I just have to put in the recovery work.
The only issue I do have is that the 50k trail race is about a month away and I'm not sure I will have time to build up to the distance in time to taper for race day, but I'm not giving up, "There's No Quit In Here"!..
I just have to finish, not win the race!

Here's a fun photo from last years Tough Mudder, No Quiting!!!
Thanks for stopping by,
Scott Burden.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Week Six, Ultra Marathon Training


Identifying The Hero the Drives You

In the program Clubbell Hero Evolution your asked to pick a Hero before each cycle and find a quality that you can identify with. It could be a Super Hero or a real life hero friend or family member. Some examples in the program are Spiderman Thor Wolverine. Although fictional but are great story role models. Along with a physical journey there is a personal internal journey. Last Sunday I ran 32k on my own, sometimes its really nice, you just put tunes nd hit the road and let the thoughts flow in and out. I thought a lot about who and what motivates and drives me.


Some clips from last Sunday.

During my childhood I remember watching all the Super Hero cartoons then later it was Bruce Lee the Karate Kid Chuck Norris and thought they were all really cool. Oh and we can't forget the Ninja craze! But all that aside I think when I look back it was my Dad that is my hero and inspiration. He was a man that was always there for me whenever he could. Sick or well he put his family first. When he ws in his early 30s he had colon cancer and in a lot of pain he still went to work to provide for us. There was no quit inside him. With surgery he was able to get though it. For the rest of my life he was a great Father to me and always gave me full support and good advice. Then at 60 years old when he decided to slow down and enjoy life he and my mom went to Texas for the winter. During that time my dads health began to fail. So with many tests later he discovered he had Celiac disease. Once he found out the issue and changed his diet he began to feel better in a few months. But unfortunately at age 65 the damage was done and also cancer showed up in the liver,this time he passed away.

But because of my Dads diagnoses my brother and I got tested and are also Celiac. But due to an early detection and a change of diet we should be ok.

My Father.


So this week I put together a sample video of Moderate day of Wolverine cycle workout 1. Once again 6 CB exercises, 8 rounds each of tabata 20 sec work 10 sec rest. For sample purposes I just did one exercise after another.


So my question to you is, just what and who drives you forward?

Thanks for stopping by,
Scott Burden.




Friday, 5 April 2013

Week 5 Clubbell Hero Evolution Training.

Wolverine Cycle!!

Ah ha, not the Wolverine you were thinking?
But just as intense!
With the ending of the last Cycle and the beginning of this one I was able to rest reset and enjoy the Holiday weekend. It was nice weather so I did get out on my bike for some cross training. I'll have to take you along next time I go on one of those rides.
Last Monday April 1st marked the start of this Cycle and it was no joke! So its 6 different Clubbell exercises with the Tabata protocol. Yeah that's 8 rounds each. I had forgotten how tough this cycle is. FUN an GAMES are over. Its down to business for this one. It just seemed I really had to dig to get through it.
Tuesday it became clear as to why Mondays workout was maybe a little harder than it should have been. The day started with gut rot.... So for me the issue is, I can't tell if its some kind of bug or Gluten contamination. Kinda went through the day feeling kinda tired so after work it was time to do a run for about 8 to 10k but it was all I could do to complete 5. the bottom fell out.
That evening I knew things weren't good, no apatite and energy levels were 0. But by Wednesday my stomach felt better, still a bit tired but seemed ok.. So right or wrong, after work I completed workout 2 hi intensity day. It felt good it was tough, left some of myself on the mats but happy to finish strong.
Well strong except maybe on one exercise....... Rear Lunge Flag Driver!!!! By far the hardest clubbell exercise out there, well in my opinion anyway. When I first went through this program I only had a pair of 20s and couldn't even do that exercise but now I have 15s and can make it , not pretty but I'll get there.. I will shoot some video and you will see, But by far the coolest exercise is Call To Lightning! Its a Clean, but using a clubbell.
Here's a great example of the great tutorials by Shane Hines and you will see why this my be a tough one, just watched it again a got more out of it, it funny when you think you got an exercise down but your only just starting to get it. Check out this link below.
This is a photo taken last weekend, the weather was great and it was nice to get outside and enjoy it. This weekend I put in 32k on my own, no big race just me and my thoughts. I will take you along for fun. I could meet up with different running groups in my town and its great I'm always welcome but sometimes its hard because they may be starting later or doing a distance that I'm not. When I'm out for over 3 hours I like to start early and get home to the family. I find it a great experience on my own sometimes, well a lot of the times.
Untill next week take care and feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments below or on Wreck Centre Fitness Facebook page.
Cheers, Scott Buredn.